FAPESP will fund new São Paulo Schools of Advanced Science |

Image: jannoon028/Freepik
FAPESP announces a new call of proposals for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS), which offers resources for the organization of short courses in advanced research in the different areas of knowledge in the state of São Paulo.
It is the sixteenth call of the SPSAS, which has annual periodicity; however, due to the health restrictions imposed by the COVID-19 pandemic, it did not launch new calls during the years 2020 and 2021.
The São Paulo Schools of Advanced Science offer means of disseminating information and ideas in a way that could not be obtained through the common channels of communication, such as scientific publications and presentations at scientific events.
In addition to contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the training of participants, it is expected that the supported events will contribute to give visibility to research, doctoral programs and opportunities for postdoctoral internships in the state of São Paulo, especially candidates from other states and countries.
Scientists with common professional interests will meet for a period of 10 to 14 days, promoting intense discussion and analysis of the most advanced aspects in their fields of research. The call will select up to five events, starting from March 2023. Exceptionally, FAPESP will analyze the realization, still in 2022, of São Paulo Schools with the 200 years of Independence of Brazil as a theme.
Teachers who will teach the subjects in the selected schools should be highly qualified and outstanding researchers, including invited foreign scientists.
It is expected that among the researchers invited to present short courses or lectures, there will be scientists of high visibility worldwide, evidenced through elements such as the receipt of high-level scientific awards, impact publications recognized by the community of the area, leadership in organizations of international prominence. This seeks to offer participating students the opportunity to live with prominent researchers.
Participating students must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate courses in Brazil or abroad, being potential candidates for Master’s and Doctorate courses or postdoctoral internships in higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo. Some young doctors may also be accepted.
The selected students will have the opportunity to present, in poster sessions, the results of their research, discussing progress with the participating scientists.
In the selection, proposals will be prioritized with themes not recently covered in schools selected by the SPSAS line of support.
Submissions will be received by May 2, exclusively by FAPESP’s SAGe platform (fapesp.br/sage).
The call is available (in Portuguese) at: espca.fapesp.br/detalhe/chamada/16.