The São Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS) already financed several schools which were attended by thousands of researchers and students from several countries.
Through the SPSAS FAPESP offers funding for the organization of short duration courses in advanced research in the different areas of knowledge in the State of Sao Paulo.
It is expected that each SPSAS offers short duration (around 2 weeks) courses in advanced themes in science and technology, contributing to the formation of the young attendants. Though this initiative FAPESP expects to establish, in the State of Sao Paulo, a globally competitive hub for talented researchers.
The SPSAS lecturers are scientists with excellent qualification and prominence in their research fields, including foreign invited scientists.
The students must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate programs in Brazil or abroad, being potential candidates for master's, doctorate or post-doctoral programs in higher education and research institutes in the State of Sao Paulo. Recently graduated PhD’s can also be accepted.
The students selected to participate in the courses will have the opportunity to present, in posters sections, their research results, discussing the progress with participating scientists.
Each School receives around 100 students, with about half from other countries. Selected students from other cities, states or countries are entitled to receive benefits to cover the expenses in airline tickets, transportation from airport to hotel and back and daily allowance in the city where the school will be organized.
Applications must be submitted for analysis in response to the Calls for Proposals announced by FAPESP.