São Paulo School of Advanced Science has new call for proposals |

FAPESP announces a new call for proposals for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS), which offers resources for the organization of short courses in advanced research in different areas of knowledge in the state of São Paulo. It is the seventeenth call of the modality, which has annual periodicity.
The modality of Organization of Scientific Meetings Award: São Paulo School of Advanced Science is intended to support, in whole or in part, the realization of short courses on topics on the frontier of science and technology, which are the object of internationally competitive research being carried out in the state of São Paulo.
SPSAS courses should promote discussions at the frontiers of research in any area of ??knowledge. Scientists with common professional interests will meet, in person, for a period of ten to fourteen days, promoting intense discussion and analysis of the most advanced aspects in their research fields.
The researchers who will participate giving classes at ESPCA must be scientists of excellent qualification and outstanding in their research fields, including invited foreign scientists.
Participating students must be enrolled in undergraduate or graduate courses in Brazil or abroad, being potential candidates for Master's, Doctorate or Post-Doctoral internships in higher education and research institutions in the state of São Paulo. Some young doctors may also be accepted.
Participating students should have the opportunity to present the results of their ongoing research in poster session (or session) included in the program.
The new call will select up to five schools, starting in March 2024.
Submissions will be received until May 2, 2023 exclusively by FAPESP's Management Support System (SAGE). There will be an online meeting for interested parties to clarify the ESPCA on April 20.
The call is available at: http://espca.fapesp.br/detalhe/chamada/17