São Paulo School of Advanced Studies on the Globalization of Culture in the Nineteenth Century

São Paulo School of Advanced Studies on the Globalization of Culture in the Nineteenth Century mantains maintains close liaison with the international cooperation project "Atlantic Circulation of Printed Matter: globalization of culture in the 19th century", coordinated by Marcia Abreu (Unicamp) and Jean-Yves Moilier (UVSQ), and with the thematic project, coordinated by Marcia Abreu.

The international cooperation project brings together 40 researchers from 23 research institutions and four countries (England, France, Portugal and Brazil).

The school has as subject the cultural globalization held between 1789 and 1914, focusing on the circulation of books, printing materials and performances in Brazil, France, Portugal and England.

The so called “long 19th century” knew a significant expansion on reading and an extraordinary technological modification which largely altered the way prints were produced and their relation to culture. With such a objective, the school puts together researchers from the four regarded countries in a five days long meeting.

  • Institution

    Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Universidade Estadual de Campinas

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    Marcia Azevedo de Abreu

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2012-08-20 to 2012-08-24

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site


  • City


  • Keywords

    Cultural history, Globalization, Printed circulation, Literary history, History of books, History of reading

  • Program Hide

    Monday (August 20th)

    9:00 Reception of students and material distribution.
    10:00 Márcia Abreu (Unicamp): Presentation of the course and of the thematic project FAPESP "The Transatlantic Circulation of Printed Matter: the Globalization of Culture in the 19th century".
    10:30 Jean–Yves Mollier (Université de Versailles Saint–Quentin–en–Yvelines): "Livre, édition et lecture: les méthodes, les archives, les sources"
    14:00 to 17:00

    Simultaneous guided tours to:
    In order to allow an appropriate visit to Unicamp's documentation centers, archives and libraries. The students will be divided into 3 groups (approximately 33 students per group) There will be three consecutive presentations in each center – for instance, those who will have been to the CEDAE at 14:00 will attend the presentation in AEL at 15:00, and in BC at 16:00 and so forth.

    Guided tour to the Centro de Documentação Alexandre Eulálio (CEDAE) – IEL – UNICAMP

    Guided tour to the Arquivo Edgard Leuenroth – Centro de Pesquisa e Documentação Social – IFCH – UNICAMP

    Guided tour to the special collections and rare books at the Biblioteca Central Cesar Lattes – BC – UNICAMP

    Tuesday (August 21st)

    9:00 – Transatlantic circulation and reception of journals – I

    Jacqueline Penjon (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3):
    "Journals in transatlantic exchange – A Ilustração – revista de Portugal e do Brasil"
    Tânia de Luca (Unesp):
    "Between Lisbon, Paris and Rio: Mariano Pina and his Illustração"
    11:00 – Transatlantic circulation and reception of journals – II

    Ana Cláudia Suriani (University of Surrey):
    "Women's Magazines and the Internationalisation of the Press: The Case of Three Brazilian Magazines in the Second Half of the Nineteenth Century"
    Eliana F. Dutra (UFMG):
    "The Revue des Deux Mondes in context of transatlantic exchange"
    14:30 to 17:30 Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

    The presentation of the project will last 10 minutes and will be done in the language chosen by the student (French, Portuguese or English). The text of the presentation, which must not exceed 4 pages (Times New Roman 12, space 1.5), must be translated in order to be projected during the presentation. It means that if the student speaks French, he should provide a translation of the text in English or Portuguese. Those making their presentation in English must provide a translation for Portuguese or French; and those who speak Portuguese must provide a translation in English or French.
    Students will present their research projects and the results of their investigations in workshop sessions which are related to the main subjects of the program: "Circulation and reception of Journals" (3 sessions to be held during 3 consecutive days), "Production and distribution of printed matter" (3 sessions to be held during 3 consecutive days), "Circulation and reception of Belles-Lettres" (3 sessions in 3 consecutive days). Student's papers will be discussed by professors who are in charge of those sessions and by researchers who take part in the international project "Transatlantic Circulation of Printed Matter".

    Workshop Session 1:
    Circulation of men and books
    - Carollina Carvalho Ramos de Lima (Unicamp): Literatura de viagem em periódicos cariocas oitocentistas
    - Igor de Lima e Silva (UFMT): Maximiliano de Wied-Neuwied e os Indígenas do Brasil
    - Brigitte Thierion (Université Rennes 2): Regards sur l’Amazonie: Fiction Histoire Identité dans l’œuvre de Márcio Souza
    - Javier Uriarte (New York University): Fazedores de desertos: travel, war, and the State in Latin America
    - Lenny A. Urena (University of Michigan): Crossing Borders by Land and Sea: Colonial Imaginings, Travel Writing, and the Mapping-Out of Polis
    - Estefanía Bournot Rosso (University of Münster): America's Itacas/ Las Ítacas americanas
    - Sophie Brudey (Université de Sorbonne): Circulation des us et coutumes dans les plantations au 19 ème siècle à travers les récits de voyage
    - François Weigel (Université de Sorbonne): "Scènes de la nature sous les tropiques" de Ferdinand Denis e sua recepçao no Brasil
    - Gabriel Abílio de Lima Oliveira (UFSJ): Justiniano J. da Rocha e Firmino R. Silva: Chronistas, Atlantes e o Regresso Conservador (1836-1839)
    - João Pedro Rosa Ferreira (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): “Castigar a rir. O humor na imprensa periódica em Portugal 1797-1834”
    - Cristian Castro Garcia (University of California): “Black Ink: the role of the Black Press in the abolitionary movement in the Americas, 1827 - 1888.”

    Teachers: Jacqueline Penjon (Sorbonne), Tânia de Luca (UNESP), Eliana Dutra (UFMG), Ana Suriani (U. Surrey), Marisa Lajolo (UNICAMP / Mackenzie) Jean–Yves Mollier (UVSQ), Valéria Guimarães (UNESP) e Kátia Camargo (UFRN).

    Workshop Session 2:
    Production and distribution of printing matter – A
    - Breno Gontijo Andrade (UFMG): Sedição, Livros e Leituras em Pernambuco nos inícios do século XIX
    - Sofia Mendes Geraldes (EHESS): Les discours de l'insurrection pendant les invasions napoléoniennes
    - José Juan Pérez Meléndez (University of Chicago): Wakefield Landing: Politics, Property and Traces of Reading in Imperial Brazil, c. 1835-1848
    - Juri Bottura (Northwestern University): Shaping the Body of the Nation: Reformist Policies for Rural Brazil in the Early 20th Century
    - Maria Isabel Carvalho Corrêa da Silva (Universidade de Nova Lisboa): O Espelho Fraterno: o lugar do Brasil no discurso do republicanismo português
    - Rodrigo Camargo de Godói (Unicamp): A trajetória de Francisco de Paula Brito (1809-1861)
    - Marie-Claire Lefils Boscq (UVSQ): La librairie parisienne 1814-1848
    - Alexandra Rebolledo Dhuin Vieira (UVSQ): La librairie et le crédit. Réseaux et métiers du livre à Paris (1830-1870)
    - Guilherme de Souza Maciel (UFMG): “Espetáculo da Natureza”: a História Natural a serviço da Coroa portuguesa (1772-1808)
    - José Félix Duque (Universidade de Lisboa): Da Função dos Retratos de Escritores em Edições Impressas (Séc. XVIII)

    Teachers: Sandra Vasconcelos, Cláudia Poncioni (Sorbonne), Antonio Dimas (USP), João Luis Lisboa (U.N.Lisboa), Lúcia Pereira das Neves (UERJ), Tânia Bessone (UERJ), Lúcia Granja (UNESP), Marisa Midori Deaecto (USP), Andrea Borges Leão (UFCe), Valéria Augusti (UFPA) e Maria Eulália Ramicelli (UFSM).

    Workshop Session 3:
    Circulation and reception of literary and dramatic works – A
    - Monize Oliveira Moura (UVSQ): Sarah Bernhardt vue du Brésil (1886-1905) : un jeu avec le modèle théâtral français
    - Priscila Renata Gimenez (UNESP): Os folhetins líricos de Martins Pena: transferência cultural e edição
    - Carolina Mafra de Sá (UFMG): O teatro de revista como instância educativa na constituição de uma cultura narrativa em São João del-Rei/MG (1870-1920)
    - Marcelo da Rocha Lima Diego (Princeton University): A cena operística na corte fluminense: mediações literárias
    - Janaina Girotto da Silva (Fundação Municipal de Cultura): A circulação da informação musical através dos programas de concertos no Rio de Janeiro no século XIX
    - Bruna Grasiela da Silva Rondinelli (Unicamp): Martins Pena e o Melodrama Romântico no Teatro de São Pedro de Alcântara
    - Susana Villafuerte (Université de Touloiuse 2): Le théâtre d'opéra. Apports créatifs des "machiniestes" à l'oeuvre.
    - Pedro Urbano da Gama Machuqueiro (FCSH UNL): Portuguese Women Writers
    - Lucile Perain (Université de Sorbonne): O poder da mulher: da cozinha ao amor
    - Sérgio Rafael Esteves Martins (Universidade de Lisboa): Literatura-Mundo: Perspectivas em Português
    - Clara Carolina Souza Santos (Unicamp): Usos de Bibliotecas no XIX

    Teachers: Orna Levin (UNICAMP), Jean–Claude Yon (UVSQ), Graça dos Santos (Nanterre), Márcia Abreu (UNICAMP), Daniel Melo (U.N.Lisboa), Maria Lúcia Dias Mendes (UNIFESP), Leonardo Mendes (UERJ) e Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina (UFRJ).

    Wednesday (August 22nd)

    9:00 – Production and distribution of printed matter I

    Tânia Bessone (UERJ):
    "Printers and booksellers, texts and concepts: Brazil, Portugal, France, ideas, culture and Power"
    João Luís Lisboa (Universidade Nova de Lisboa):
    "Portuguese printers and booksellers in nineteenth century"
    11:00 – Production and distribution of prints II

    Sandra Vasconcelos (USP):
    "Novel's transatlantic rotes in nineteenth century"
    Cláudia Poncioni (Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3):
    "Books and ideas circulation: the first socialists in Brazil (1840–1850)"
    14:30 to 17:30 Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

    Workshop Session 4
    Circulation and reception of journals – B
    - Virna Lúcia Cunha de Farias (UFPB): Machado de Assis em A Estação e na Revista Brasileira: Práticas, leituras e leitores
    - Vizette Priscila Seidel (UNESP): Dentro e fora da valise: "Histórias da meia noite", de Machado de Assis
    - Daniela Soares Portela (USP): A incorporação das convenções gráficas na prosa romanesca de Machado de Assis
    - Basak Yuce (Binghamton University): 19th Century Mass Media Criticism in Machado de Assis and Halid Ziya Usakligil
    - Danilo Wenseslau Ferrari (UNESP): "Zé Povinho" e "Jeca Tatu": um possível caso de transferência cultural entre Portugal e Brasil
    - Karla Janaina Costa Cruz (UFPB): O Jornal Imprensa Evangélica: protestantismo e prática leitora nos Oitocentos
    - Renan Rivaben Pereira (UNESP): Semana Ilustrada, o Moleque e o Dr. Semana (1860-1876)
    - Constanze Froehlich (Freire Universität Berlin): Débat et topique du concept de "la foule" autour de 1900
    - Maria Vicens (Buenos Aires University): Women’s literary magazines in Argentina between 1875 and 1910: transnational reading, writing and so
    - Raphael Quintela (UVSQ): Les immigrés brésiliens à Paris au XIXe siècle à travers leur presse
    - Mariana de Moraes Silveira (UFMG): Diálogos Transnacionais nas Revistas Jurídicas Brasileiras (1904-1914)

    - João Manuel Matos Das Neves (Université de la Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3): O Oriente Africano. La littérature dans le discours colonial au Mozambique (1854-1953)

    Teachers: Jacqueline Penjon (Sorbonne), Tânia de Luca (UNESP), Eliana Dutra (UFMG), Ana Suriani (U. Surrey), Marisa Lajolo (UNICAMP / Mackenzie) Jean–Yves Mollier (UVSQ), Valéria Guimarães (UNESP) e Kátia Camargo (UFRN).

    Workshop Session 5
    Production and distribution of printed matter – B
    - Izenete Nobre Garcia (Unicamp): A circulação transatlântica de obras literárias entre Belém e Lisboa: o caso da livraria e editora Tavares Cardoso & Irmão
    - Nuno Miguel Ribeiro de Medeiros (Universidade de Nova Lisboa): João Romano Torres e Cia: hermenêutica social de uma editora
    - Elisabeth Fernandes Martini (UERJ): Representações do universo campesino na narrativa portuguesa oitocentista
    - Debora Leite David (USP): Almanach de lembranças luso-brasileiro: marcas literárias africanas em língua portuguesa no Séc XIX
    - Dennys da Silva Reis (Universidade de Brasília): Literatura, Tradução e Globalização no Brasil Oitocentista
    - Mariana Simões Lourenço (UFF): Edição e história nacional: os livros do Arquivo Nacional do Brasil (1886-1922)
    - Michele de Barcelos Agostinho (UFF): Do Museu para o Mundo: a divulgação da produção científica brasileira através da Revista Arquivos.
    - Raquel Braun Figueiró (UFF): A apropriação das teorias raciais através da obra do médico porto-alegrense Sebastião Leão.
    - Magdalena Bournot (Universitat Pompeu Fabra): Ciencia y literatura en Leopoldo Lugones, Horacio Quiroga y Roberto Arlt
    - Renata Rodrigues de Freitas (UERJ): “O que liam esses homens?”: Divulgação de livros nos jornais O Paiz e Gazeta de Notícias (1880-1890)
    - Patrícia Trindade Trizotti (Unesp): “O que liam esses homens?”: Divulgação de livros nos jornais O Paiz e Gazeta de Notícias (1880-1890)

    Teachers: Sandra Vasconcelos, Cláudia Poncioni (Sorbonne), Antonio Dimas (USP), João Luis Lisboa (U.N.Lisboa), Lúcia Pereira das Neves (UERJ), Tânia Bessone (UERJ), Lúcia Granja (UNESP), Marisa Midori Deaecto (USP), Andrea Borges Leão (UFCe) e Valéria Augusti (UFPA).

    Workshop Session 6
    Circulation and reception of literary works II
    - Valéria Cristina Bezerra (Unicamp): José de Alencar na Europa: a presença de seus romances e o prestígio de seu nome
    - Sébastien Rozeaux (Université Lille III): La genèse d'un « grand monument national »: littérature et milieu littéraire au Brésil (1822– 1880)
    - Sarah Pinto (Université de Bourdeaux): Les images du Brésil dans la littérature française du XIXème siècle.
    - Alessandra Pantoja Paes (UFPA): Romances que cruzaram o Atlântico: Paul de Kock no acervo do Grêmio Literário Português do Pará
    - Ana Laura Donegá (Unicamp): Correio das Modas e Novo Correio de Modas: a prosa ficcional entre as publicações dos Laemmert
    - Juliane Cardozo de Mello (UFRGS): Um drama no mar e Laura: a ficção romântica de Carlos de Koseritz
    - Anca Lazar (Lucian Blaga University): Globalization seen through Charles Dickens' eyes
    - Juliana Maia de Queiroz (UNESP): Brasileiros em Portugal e portugueses no Brasil: romances que cruzaram o Atlântico no século XIX.
    - Patrícia Fátima Martins de Jesus Palma (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Mercado do livro brasileiro em Portugal (1850-1914)
    - Cécile Jacquey (Université de Bourdeaux): La littérature indianiste à Porto dans la seconde moitié du XIXe siècle
    - Mariana Teixeira Marques (Unicamp): Afinando cruzamentos: ler romances na França, em Portugal e no Brasil em meados do século XIX

    Teachers: Orna Levin (UNICAMP), Jean–Claude Yon (UVSQ), Graça dos Santos (Nanterre), Márcia Abreu (UNICAMP), Daniel Melo (U.N.Lisboa), Maria Lúcia Dias Mendes (UNIFESP), Leonardo Mendes (UERJ) e Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina (UFRJ).


    Thursday (August 23rd)

    9:00 – Circulation and reception of the Belles-Lettres I

    Jean–Claude Yon (Université de Versailles Saint–Quentin–en–Yvelines): "The french theatre abroad"
    Graça dos Santos (Université de Nanterre): "French theatre in Portugal in nineteenth century, certain relational assymetry"
    Orna Messer Levin (UNICAMP): "Theatrical culture in Rio de Janeiro (european repertoire in nineteenth century)"
    11:00 – Circulation and reception of the Belles-Lettres II

    Márcia Abreu (UNICAMP): "Early critic – literary jugements by french and luso–brazilian censorship"
    Daniel Melo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): "The intellectual in his labirynth: high culture, popular editions and distinction in late West nineteenth century"
    14:30 to 17:30 Simultaneous Workshop Sessions

    Workshop Session 7
    Circulation and reception of journals – C
    - Xiaofan Amy Li (University of Cambridge): The globalization of Chinese culture in nineteenth-century France
    - Rogerio Miguel do Deserto Puga (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): A viagem de Periódicos Anglófonos e Lusófonos da China para as Margens do Atlântico no Século XIX
    - Fan Min (University of Oxford): Production and Distribution of Chinese Political Text in Globalized Context
    - Thiago Rhys Bezerra Cass (USP): Reflexos da quera ossiânica no Brasil
    - Daniela Montenegro de Souza (USP): A Circulação de Romances Ingleses no Rio de Janeiro (1808-1833)
    - Greicy Pinto Bellin (UFPR): Edgar Allan Poe, Charles Baudelaire e Machado de Assis: confluências literárias no século XIX.
    - Teodora Cindrea (Lucian Blaga University): A Cultural Encounter Across the English Channel: The Franco-British Exhibition of 1908
    - Etienne Sauthier (Université de Sorbonne): Diffusion, réception et traduction de l'oeuvre de Marcel Proust au Brésil (1914-1956)
    - Shirley Laianne Medeiros da Silva (UFPA): A circulação da obra de Delphine de Girardin no periódico A Província do Pará
    - Cecily Colleen Raynor (Georgetown University): 19th Century Immigrant Writers in Brazil and their Transatlantic Cultural Exchanges
    - Alexandro Henrique Paixão (USP): Elementos constitutivos para o estudo do público literário no Segundo Reinado

    Teachers: Sandra Vasconcelos, Cláudia Poncioni (Sorbonne), Antonio Dimas (USP), João Luis Lisboa (U.N.Lisboa), Lúcia Pereira das Neves (UERJ), Tânia Bessone (UERJ), Lúcia Granja (UNESP), Marisa Midori Deaecto (USP), Andrea Borges Leão (UFCe) e Valéria Augusti (UFPA).

    Workshop Session 8
    Circulation and reception of literary works – C
    - Lucas de Castro Lamonica (Unicamp): Aluísio Azevedo e o Naturalismo
    - Eliseo Jacob (University of Texas): Émile Zola, Aluísio Azevedo and Naturalist Literature
    - Leandro Thomaz de Almeida (Unicamp): Literatura naturalista, moralidade e natureza
    - Ana Gomes Porto (Unicamp): O romance judiciário na França e no Brasil: diálogos, circulação e produção.
    - Susana Neves Tavares Bastos de Pinho Silva (Universidade de Aveiro): Aluísio Azevedo e o romance policialesco brasileiro (folhetim policial)
    - Marco Simão Valente Baptista (Universidade de Lisboa/ Universidade Strasbourg):Vidocq dépaysé: avatares do bom bandido
    - Bruno Miguel Sérgio Fidalgo (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Crime e Narrativa
    - Marina Pózes Pereira Santos (UFF): O Romance-Folhetim O Esqueleto: Mistérios da Casa de Bragança na crise do Brasil Imperial
    - Michael Shaw (University of Glasgow): The Roles of Aestheticism, Decadence and Symbolism in Scotland c.1880-1914
    - António Jorge Serafim Ramalho (Universidade de Lisboa): Salomé na Literatura e nas Artes
    - João Alberto Marques Lopes (Universidade de Lisboa): Mãos que se tocam, testemunham e escrevem: os escritores brasileiros do pré-modernismo nos espólios

    Teachers: Orna Levin (UNICAMP), Jean–Claude Yon (UVSQ), Graça dos Santos (Nanterre), Márcia Abreu (UNICAMP), Daniel Melo (U.N.Lisboa), Maria Lúcia Dias Mendes (UNIFESP), Leonardo Mendes (UERJ) e Pedro Paulo Garcia Ferreira Catharina (UFRJ).

    Workshop Session 9
    Circulation and reception of literary works III
    - Priscila Kaufmann Corrêa (Unicamp): Escrita Feminina: vida e obra de escritoras de literatura infantojuvenil (1856 – 1945)
    - Jocilene Pereira Lima (UFPB): A formação do leitor infantil no século XIX: leituras indicadas em compêndios escolares, jornais e leis
    - Eloisa da Rosa Oliveira (UFSC): Drummond: memórias de um menino leitor
    - Marli Delmônico de Araújo Futata (UEM): Imprensa e Educação: Pierre Plancher e a Ação Político-Educativa do Jornal do Commercio no Final do Primeiro Reinado (1827-1832)
    - Julian Paulo Topf Aguiar de Medeiros (Albert-Ludwigs University Freiburg): The French Connection: Pierre Plancher and the \'Jornal do Commercio\' between 1824-1834 in Brazil
    - Carlos Eduardo de Medeiros Gama (UNIRIO): “A guerra era uma ciência”: a cultura técnica e científica no Exército Brasileiro (1810-1850)”
    - Marianna Fernandes de Vasconcellos (UFRJ): Campo literário e campo jornalístico: espaços de visibilidade na trajetória de Guy de Maupassant
    - Ariane Monteiro Moreth (UFRJ): Ilusões perdidas (1843), de Honoré de Balzac; espaço editorial, ethos e posicionamento.
    - Tatiana Sena dos Santos (UFMG): Cartografias literárias da modernidade republicana (1889-1945)
    - Petra Homolková (Universidade Carolina): Castro Alves e Victor Hugo: visão do negro
    - Manera Giulia (Université de Nanterre): Modes d’inscription et de représentation du genre dans le "Romance de 30" au Brésil

    Teachers: Jacqueline Penjon (Sorbonne), Tânia de Luca (UNESP), Eliana Dutra (UFMG), Ana Suriani (U. Surrey), Marisa Lajolo (UNICAMP / Mackenzie) Jean–Yves Mollier (UVSQ), Valéria Guimarães (UNESP) e Kátia Camargo (UFRN).


    Friday (August 24th)

    8:00 Trip to São Paulo for activities at USP.
    10:00 to 13:00

    Simultaneous guided tours to:
    In order to allow an appropriate visit to USP documentation centers, archives and libraries. The students will be divided into 3 groups (approximately 33 students per group) There will be three consecutive presentations in each center – for instance, those who will have been to the IEB at 14:00 will attend the presentation in BFFLCH at 15:00, and in Biblioteca Brasiliana Guita e José Mindlin at 16:00 and so forth.

    Guided tour to the Instituto de Estudos Brasileiros (IEB) – USP

    Guided tour to the Biblioteca da Faculdade de Filosofia, Letras e Ciências Humanas– USP

    14:30 to 15:00 Cultural History, history of book, history of reading
    Marisa Lajolo (UNICAMP – Mackenzie): "Book and reading in Brazil"
    Roger Chartier (Collège de France / École des hautes études en sciences sociales):
    "Cultural history, History of the book and the History of reading – Bilan and the research perspectives"
    15:00 to 17:00 Márcia Abreu (UNICAMP):
    Presentation about the different financing lines offered by FAPESP, cooperation agreements between foreign Universities and Universities in São Paulo, the selection process for Graduate Studies at USP, UNESP and UNICAMP.
    17:00 Closing
    Distribution of certificates