São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Transdisciplinarity for Transformative Change

Transdisciplinarity has been recognized as a new paradigm for moving global environmental change research toward new approaches to coproduce the knowledge necessary for transformative change in the search of global sustainability. The São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Transdisciplinarity for Transformative Change is a training opportunity on knowledge co-production to deal with the multidimensional social-ecological crises of the Anthropocene.

The SPSAS Transdisciplinarity will be a combination of classes held by nationally and internationally renowned scholars, panels with policymakers, local practitioners, and indigenous leaders; hands-on mentored student activities in breakout groups to co-design a transdisciplinary research proposal for transformative change; field trips to research institutions and traditional communities (indigenous, caiçara, quilombola, caipira); art activities to co-design dialogues and scenarios; student research presentations using innovative ways to communicate science; cultural and networking events.

The School program includes four modules that cover the following topics: the global environmental change context and essential concepts for understanding it; methodologies and analysis techniques based on transdisciplinarity in social-environmental sciences; transdisciplinary initiatives fostering transformative change in science-policy arenas; and challenges in achieving transformative change.

Interested parties may apply at the School's website. We encourage applications from students and practitioners with different backgrounds, provided their academic study and work is related to the themes of the school and related topics. Approximately 80 applicants, 40 from Brazil and 40 from other countries will be selected to participate in this School of Advanced Science. Priority will be given to participants with an interdisciplinary training. Indigenous and Afro-descendent candidates will also be eligible for bonuses at the discretion of the Organizing Committee.

  • Institution

    Núcleo de Estudos e Pesquisas Ambientais (NEPAM)/Unicamp

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    Cristiana Simão Seixas

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2024-04-08 to 2024-04-18

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site


  • City

    São Luiz do Paraitinga

  • Keywords

    Transdisciplinarity, transformative changes, global environmental changes, global sustainability, socioenvironmental sciences