São Paulo School of Advanced Science on the Water-Energy-Food Nexus for Better Decisions in a Complex World (SPSAS -WEF Nexus)

Achieving water, energy, and food security is a future central challenge that is possible even under difficult and challenging global economic conditions. It also emphasises the human dimension and fulfilment of fundamental human rights. Global demand and supply assessments predict significant shortfalls in water and food in the future, but this should not mask the reality that universal access to minimum standards of water, energy, and food can be achieved and sustained within planetary boundaries provided there is political commitment and an appropriate enabling environment.

The word nexus means the understanding of interdependencies, tensions, and trade-offs. In the context of environmental change, the water, energy and food systems are inextricably linked; and any effort to target sustainability needs to consider their broader connections. Sustainable Development Goals (SDG’s) are mostly dependent on solutions using this nexus approach.

The Advanced School on Water-Energy-Food Nexus will help graduate students, post-docs, and young researchers to analyse complex systems by understanding the societal, economic and environmental impacts involved in decisions regarding technology innovation and policies design. They will learn different assessment methods, modelling techniques and risk analysis to apply them individually or in combination to research projects, decision-making process or policy development.

  • Institution

    Núcleo Interdisciplinar de Planejamento Energético - Unicamp

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    José Roberto Guimarães

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2018-10-15 to 2018-10-26

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site


  • City


  • Keywords

    Water, Energy, Food Security

  • Program Hide


    ANDRÉ TEÓFILO BECK, PhD, ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR, São Carlos School of Engineering, São Paulo University
    DAVID M. LAPOLA, PhD, RESEARCHER ASSOCIATED, Center for Meteorological and Climatic Research Applied to Agriculture (CEPAGRI), University of Campinas
    DORIS C. C. K. KOWALTOWSKI, PhD, PROFESSOR, School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Campinas
    EMILIO F. MORAN, PhD, PROFESSOR, Department of Geography, Environment, and Spatial Sciences, Michigan State University
    GONZALO L. PITA, PhD, ASSISTANT PROFESSOR, Department of Civil Engineering, Johns Hopkins University
    JOAQUIM E. A. SEABRA, PhD, ASSOCIATE PROFESSOR, School of Mechanical Engineering, University of Campinas
    JOSÉ ALBERTO MARENGO ORSINI, PhD, COORDINATOR,  Brazilian Centre for Monitoring and Early Warnings of Natural Disasters
    JÖRG MATSCHULLAT, PhD, PROFESSOR, Interdisciplinary Environmental Research Centre, TU Bergakademie Freiberg
    KONSTANTINOS KATSIKOPOULOS, PhD, ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR, Southampton Business School, University of Southampton
    LEANDRO LUIZ GIATTI, PhD, ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR, School of Public Health, Sao Paulo University
    LEILA DA COSTA FERREIRA, PhD, PROFESSOR, Center For Environmental Studies and Research, University of Campinas
    LUIS AUGUSTO BARBOSA CORTEZ, PhD, PROFESSOR, School of Agricultural Engineering, University of Campinas
    SIEGMAR OTTO, PhD, SENIOR LECTURER, Institute of Psychology, Otto-von-Guericke University
    TERESA DIB ZAMBON ATVARS, PhD, PROFESSOR, VICE-RECTOR, Institute of Chemistry, University of Campinas
    VANESSA GOMES DA SILVA, PhD, ASSOCIATED PROFESSOR, School of Civil Engineering, Architecture and Urban Planning, University of Campinas