São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses

Putting Fieldwork on Indigenous Languages to New Uses is a São Paulo School on Advanced Sciences, supported by the São Paulo State Research Foundation (FAPESP), and will be held from March 21th to April 6th, at the University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil.

The purpose of this school is twofold: (i) to introduce early career researchers to the latest developments in data collection and linguistic research on native languages, and (ii) to pave the way for new uses of linguistic fieldwork, with mutual benefits for both linguists and the indigenous populations.

Drawing on the vast experience of the researchers of the several partner institutions in documentation, corpus linguistics and formal linguistic theory, we will present/discuss possibilities not previously pursued: extensive comparison across native languages to build taxonomies and phylogenetic models of transmission, oral corpora and a new objective and unbiased grammatical terminology, reflecting the speakers' original intuitions and potentially revealing truly universal building blocks of language and cognition. All these new tools should feed into literacy projects for the local communities, raising their own meta-linguistic and cultural awareness (in a non-intrusive way).

We expect grad students, postdoc researchers and young professors from several universities of Brazil and abroad, resulting in about 100 students.

  • Institution

    Instituto de Estudos da Linguagem / Unicamp

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    Maria Filomena Spatti Sandalo

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2016-03-21 to 2016-04-06

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site


  • City


  • Keywords

    Linguistic, native languages

  • Program Hide

    First week - March 21-25/2016: Syntax Corpora and Phylogenesis week
    9:00-10:00 Welcome (first day only)
    9:00-10:00 (from Tuesday) Class 1: Languages and cultures of Brazil
    (Bruna Franchetto, Angel C. Mori, Filomena Sandalo)
    10:00-10:30 Coffee Break
    10:30–12:30 Class 2: Introduction to phylogetic methods in Linguistics (Pino Longobardi)
    12:30-14:30 Lunch
    14:30-16:30 Hands on phylogenetics: Guaikurú and Karib
    (Pino Longobardi, Filomena Sandalo, Bruna Franchetto)
    14:30-15:00 Coffee Break
    15:00-17:00 Class 3: How to work on digital oral corpora syntactic annotation
    (Charlotte Galves, Susan Pintzuk)
    17:00-18:00 Hands on work on corpora: Guaikurú and Tupi-Guarani
    (Charlotte Galves, Susan Pintzuk, Filomena Sandalo, Joel Wallenberg)
    19:00 Dinner 
    Second Week - March 28 to April 2: Experimenting Phonology and Morphology week + Corpora

    Monday- Trip to São Paulo/USP/MAE guided by Luciana Storto
    Tuesday to Friday 
    9:00–11:00 Class 4: Experimental and computational methods in Phonology and Morphology
    (Michael Becker)
    11:00-11:30 Coffee Break
    11.30–13:00 Hands on experiments: Guaikurú
    (Michael Becker, Filomena Sandalo, Suzi Lima, Andrew Nevins)
    13:00-15:00 Lunch
    15:00-16:00 Posters by selected students
    17:00-18:00 Hands on work on corpora: Guaikurú and Tupi-Guarani
    (Charlotte Galves, Susan Pintzuk, Filomena Sandalo, Joel Wallenberg)
    Third Week - April 04-06: Music, Language and Documentation + Experimenting Semantics week
    9:00-11:00 Class 5: Music, Language, and Documentation in Australia
    (Myfany Turpin, Andrew Nevins)
    11:00-12:00 Class 6: Experimenting semantics, number and language
    (Suzi Lima)
    12:00-14:00 Lunch
    14:00-17:00 Hands on Experimentation
    (Andrew Nevins, Myfany Turpin, Filomena Sandalo, Bruna Franchetto)
    17:00-18:00 Coffee Break and final remarks