São Paulo Advanced Science on Singular Stochastic Partial Differential Equations and their Applications |
IMPORTANT NOTICE: The event was initially going to happen in 2020 but, due to the COVID-19 pandemic, it was rescheduled for 2022. Those people who signed up for the 2020 event and paid the registration can request a refund via email (brazilian.school.probability@gmail.com with email subject: “Registration payment request: complete name”) or, if they wish, request the registration to the new event. In this case, the amount previously paid will be considered as payment of the new registration fee. Either way, we ask you to fill out the registration form again.
For many years the stochastics community has built powerful tools to deal with various kinds of Stochastic Partial Differential Equations (SPDEs). However, since long it has been a challenge to deal with SPDEs with a rough input noise that are not classically well-posed. Such kind of equations often arise from the fluctuations of particle systems and many times are universal in a certain sense. Some years ago with works of Hairer, Imkeller, Gubinelli and Perkowski it suddenly became feasible to analyze singular SPDEs. Since then the area of singular SPDEs evolved into a new, exciting and fast-moving area of research. Many problems that seemed out of reach are now solved or in sight.
This school is divided into two parts. In the first week there will be two introductory mini-courses that lay the foundations for the courses of the second week. In the latter ones newly developed theories and their latest developments will be taught. To round up the program there will be further invited talks, poster sessions and a visit to the LNLS laboratories, the synchroton light laboratories at Campinas.
Applications for funding will be accepted until March 28. We will support around 50 Brazilian students and 50 students from aboard will be financed with travels and daily expenses. Students participating in the two weeks of school will be prioritized. To check conditions for applying the school and find the registration form please visit: https://www.ime.unicamp.br/spas2022/#Registration.
Instituto de Matemática, Estatística e Computação Científica – IMECC/UNICAMP
Field of Knowledge
Academic Director
Christian Horácio Olivera
Grant Number
2022-08-02 to 2022-08-13
Registration Deadline
mathematics, fluid dynamics, electromagnetism, quantum mechanics
To find more info about the schedule and a list of confirmed speakers, please visit
News Advanced science school on stochastic partial differential equations selects participants
7th Space - March 05, 2020
Agência FAPESP - February 26, 2020