Advanced School Some Recent Developments in the Field of Synchroton Radiation

The Advanced School Some Recent Developments in the Field of Synchroton Radiation puts together high level researchers of 24 countries to share the latest developments in the use of synchrotron radiation e their applications in scientific investigation to classes of doctorate and post-doctorate students.

Among the lecturers, it must be highlighted the presence of two Nobel Prize winners, Ada Yonath (Weizmann Institute of Science, Israel) and Albert Fert (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique, France). Structural biology, 3D imaging, catalysis, magnetism and superconductivity, nanosciences and environment are some of the main themes.

Brasil, China, Spain, Germany, Norway, Japan, Argentina, Venezuela, USA, Russia, Chile, India, South Africa, Mexico, Ucrania, France, Switzerland, Colombia, Iran, Taiwan, Sweden

  • Institution

    Laboratório Nacional de Luz Síncrotron (LNLS) / Associação Brasileira de Tecnologia de Luz Síncrotron (ABTLuS)

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    Yves Pierre Petroff

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2011-01-17 to 2011-01-25

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site

  • City


  • Keywords

    X Ray Imaging, Structural biology, Catalysis, Nanosciences, Environment

  • Program Hide


    Ada Yonath (Weizmann) has accepted to come and will describe 25 years of difficult research on the ribosome and the actual work on antibiotics. 

    J. A Marquez – EMBL (European Molecular Biology Laboratory) will describe the use of structural biology in plants. 

    José Nelson Onuchic (USCD) will describe proteins folding 

    Jean Doucet (CNRS, Lyon) 

    Igor Polikarpov (IFSC) 


    Franz Pfeiffer (T.U. Munich) will discuss the exploitation of phase contrast and coherence at 3rd generation of synchrotron radiation sources (CDI) 

    Sophie Sanchez (ESRF): Developments in palaeontology (Holotomography).

    Wolgang Ludwig (CNRS, Lyon): Diffraction Contrast Tomography (DCT).

    Jin Wang (APS): Time resolved Coherent Microscopy. 


    M. Salmeron (UC Berkeley) who has been pioneering the use of photoemission for catalysis will describe this new technique and discuss the recent results on bimetallic nanoparticles. 

    Gemma Guilera (ALBA, Barcelona) will present and discuss experiments done with Toyota-Japan, using in situ time resolved dispersive EXAFS and TEM. 

    Daniela Zanchet (LNLS) will talk about in situ characterization of industrial catalysts at LNLS and opportunities.


    Albert Fert (ORSAY) will be reviewing the discovery of the GMR and the development of spintronics until today. 

    The second speaker Sebastian Stepanow (Max Planck Institut) will describe the application of Synchrotron Radiation in magnetism including recent results on molecular spintronics. 

    S. V. Borisenko (IFW, Dresden) will present recent results on the High Tc superconductors and on FeAs superconductors. 

    S. Louie (UC Berkeley) will discuss the controversial electron-phonon interaction in the High Tc.


    S. Louie (UC Berkeley) will give lectures on nanotubes and graphene. 

    D. Ugarte (Campinas): Struct. and electron. properties of atomic-size metal wires.

    R.Panniago (UFMG): Quantum dots 

    Galo Soler Illia (CNEA, Argentina) 

    P. J. Lemstra (Eindhoven): The world of high performance fibers + bioplastics


    P. Eduardo Artaxo Netto: Role of the atmospheric aerosols in the global climate.  


    Monday 17

    08h00 Bus departure for LNLS

    08h30 Registration at LNLS

    09h00 Presentation of the 3 Laboratories by J.

    Roque (Director of LNLS)

    09.30-10 Introduction on Synchrotron Radiation by

    Liu Lin (LNLS)

    10-10.50 Presentation of FAPESP by C. H. Brito

    Cruz (FAPESP Scientific Director)
    10.50-11.20 Coffee

    11.20-12.30 A. Yonath

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15 J.A. Marques

    15-16 J. Onuchic

    16.30 Welcome Reception

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Tuesday 18


    09-10 A. Yonath

    10- 11 J. Onuchic

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 I. Polikarpov

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15 J. Doucet

    15-16 J.A. Marques

    16-16.30 Coffee

    16.30-17.30 Poster Session (45)

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Wednesday 19

    09-10 S. Louie

    10-11 S. Stepanow

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 Borisenko

    13-14 Lunch

    14-14.30 S. Louie

    14.30-15.30 S. Stepanow

    15.30-16 Coffee

    16-17 Discussion with the students

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Thursday 20

    09-10 S. Borisenko

    10-11 P. J. Lemstra

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 S. Louie

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15 D.Ugarte

    15-16 R. Panniago

    16-16.30 Coffee

    16.30-17.30 D. Zanchet

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel




    Friday 21

    09-10 G. S. Illia

    10-11 F. Pfeiffer

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 Sophie Sanchez

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15 W. Ludwig

    15-15.30 Coffee

    15.30-16.30 M. Salmeron

    16h30-17h30 P.J. Lemstra

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel



    Saturday 22

    09-10 W. Ludwig

    10-11 F. Pfeiffer

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 Sophie Sanchez

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15 M. Salmeron

    15-15.30 Coffee

    15.30-16.30 Poster Session (45)

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Sunday 23

    Free 12 – 15 Barbecue

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Monday 24

    09-10 A. Fert

    10-11 G. Guilera

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 D. Zanchet

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15.30 Visit of the 3 Laboratories

    15h30 Coffee

    15.30-17 Poster Session (45)

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Tuesday 25

    09-10 A. Fert

    10-11 J. Wang

    11-11.30 Coffee

    11.30-12.30 G. Guilera

    13-14 Lunch

    14-15.30 E. Artaxo Netto

    End of school

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Wednesday 26

    Leave at 08h

    08.30-11.30 Visit to Unicamp

    Leave at 11h30 / Lunch at the bus

    13h30 – Departure for São Carlos – USP

    15h30 – visit to São Carlos- USP

    Return in the evening

    19.00 Dinner at Hotel


    Thursday 27

    Leave at 07h30

    08.30-09.30 Visit of Natura

    10.30-11.30 Visit of USP

    Free at 12h30

    Departure to Guarulhos Airport SP and Viracopos, Campinas