FAPESP selects new São Paulo Schools of Advanced Science

FAPESP announces the result of the seventeenth call of proposals for the São Paulo School of Advanced Science (SPSAS), which offers resources for the organization of short courses in advanced research in the different areas of knowledge in the state of São Paulo.

The São Paulo Schools of Advanced Science offer means of disseminating information and ideas in a way that could not be obtained through the common channels of communication, such as scientific publications and presentations at scientific events.

In addition to contributing to the advancement of knowledge and the training of participants, it is expected that the supported events will contribute to give visibility to research, doctoral programs and opportunities for postdoctoral internships in the state of São Paulo, especially candidates from other states and countries.

Scientists with common professional interests will meet for a period of 10 to 14 days, promoting intense discussion and analysis of the most advanced aspects in their fields of research. Initially, the call would select up to five schools, but seven were approved due to the high quality of the proposals.

Selected schools:

Principal Investigator / Grant number

School’s title and area of knowledge

Luciano Hauschild 

School of Agrarian and Veterinarian Sciences/UNESP


São Paulo Advanced School on Precision Livestock Farming (SPSAS-LPF)
Area: Animal Science

Narcizo Marques de Souza Neto

Brazilian Center for Research in Energy and Materials/CNPEM/MCTI


São Paulo School of Advanced Science on 4th Generation Synchrotron Techniques
Area: Synchrotron Light Techniques

Gustavo Martini Dalpian

Physics Institute/IF/USP


São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Quantum Materials
Area: Physics

Cristiana Simão Seixas

Center for Environmental Studies and Research (NEPAM)/UNICAMP


São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Transdisciplinarity for Transformative Change
Area: Biodiversity

Nicholas Spyridon Vonortas

Institute of Geosciences / IG-UNICAMP


São Paulo Advanced School on Technology & Innovation Strategies and Policies for Economic Development
Area: Economy

Luciana Correia de Almeida Regitano

EMBRAPA Southeast Livestock


São Paulo School of Advanced Science on Hologenomic Data Analysis for Agriculture

Area: Agronomy

Thomas Michael Lewinsohn

Institute of Biology / IB-UNICAMP


São Paulo School of Advanced Science for Usage-driven Design of Multidimensional Biodiversity Assessments

Area: Applied Ecology

Photo credit: CNPEM