São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences on Recent Developments in Synchrotron Radiation

SyncLight 2015 School gathers 96 students and 21 leading researchers around advanced synchrotron light-based techniques and applications

From July 13th to 24th, 96 young researchers from 17 countries and 27 different nationalities were gathered at the Brazilian Synchrotron Light Laboratory (LNLS), in Campinas (São Paulo, Brazil) in order to learn about synchrotron techniques in a comprehensive way.

SyncLight 2015, the São Paulo School of Advanced Sciences (ESPCA) on Recent Developments in Synchrotron Radiation, had the main goal of presenting the numerous new experimental possibilities that the last generation synchrotron light sources are opening for scientific research in different disciplines.

17 countries were represented at SyncLight 2015.

Sponsored by the São Paulo State’s Research Foundation (FAPESP) and organized jointly by the LNLS and the American Physical Society (APS), the two-week-school provided training for MSc, PhD and Post-doc students in the fields of physics, chemistry, biology, geosciences, medicine and materials science engineering, among others. The interdisciplinary character of the school was planned to provide fruitful exchanges between researchers related to these different disciplines.

The LNLS, located at the campus of the CNPEM (National Center for Research in Energy and Materials), was a particularly appropriate host to the school considering its current engagement in the development and construction of Sirius, a latest generation synchrotron light source. Sirius is designed to be one of the brightest sources in the world. When its first light is emitted, in 2018, it will be one of the first fourth generation light sources to start operation.

The main objective of the SyncLight 2015 was preparing and motivating the new generation of users that will benefit from this new big scientific tool and its advanced beamlines. This objective has been greatly achieved thanks to the outstanding level of the lecturers and enthusiastic participation of the students, as stated by one of these outstanding lecturers, Cinzia Giannini (CNR, Italy): “The atmosphere was extremely stimulating, the school perfectly organized and I really enjoyed to be part of it.”

  • Institution

    Laboratório Nacional de Luz Sincrotron/ CNPEM / MCTI

  • Field of Knowledge


  • Academic Director

    Helio Cesar Nogueira Tolentino

  • Grant Number


  • Date

    2015-07-13 to 2015-07-24

  • Registration Deadline


  • Site


  • City


  • Keywords

    Synchrotron Radiation, X Ray, Physics, Chemistry